Palermo Community Library

Mission: Being a welcoming space and information center for the community

Security Camera Policy

The Palermo Community Library employs a motion-activated surveillance camera system to monitor activity inside the Library.

The Board of Trustees of the Palermo Community Library establishes its Security Camera Policy as follows:

Section 1.  The purpose of the video monitoring system is to deter unacceptable behavior, theft or destruction of library property to include all material collections, all electronic equipment, furniture, in the interior of the building.

Section 2.  The Library abides by Maine Statute Title 27, Chapter 4A section 121 Confidentiality of Library Records which states that the records of patron transactions and the identity of registered library patrons is confidential material. Confidentiality/privacy issues prohibit the general public from viewing camera footage.

Section 3.  Access to the security camera system and the recorded footage is limited to the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the IT person. If Law enforcement is alerted by the Library of an incident, Law Enforcement may view the footage at the request of the Chair of the Board or the IT person.

Section 4. If Law enforcement requests to view or obtain any recorded video without the request of the Library, Law enforcement must present a written request to obtain any recorded video. The request must provide that the recorded video is needed by law enforcement for an ongoing criminal investigation.

Section 5. Cameras will not be installed in areas of the Library where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy such as restrooms.

Section 6. Signs will be posted at all entrances informing the public and staff that security cameras are in use.

Section 7. Because cameras will not be continuously monitored, the public and staff should take appropriate precautions for their safety and for the security of their personal property.  Neither the Palermo Community Library nor the staff is responsible for loss of property or personal injury.

Section 8. This policy shall take effect immediately upon enactment and approval and be in full force and effect thereafter. A copy shall be posted within three days of enactment at the library and the secretary shall maintain a certified copy in the official records of the library available for public inspection.

Unanimously approved by the Board of Trustees on December 10, 2018


Monday 10 a.m. – 12 noon

Tuesday 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Wednesday 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Thursday 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Friday Closed

Saturday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Sunday Closed

Patrons of Palermo Community Library may become patrons of Bangor Public Library to have access to Flipster, download e-books and all other services of being a BPL patron. Please visit PCL to complete an application and receive a barcode number to become a patron of BPL. Please bring one form of I.D.